S1E19: Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes (with Catherine Hagedorn)


New buddy Catherine Hagedorn (@chagedorn), Head of Development for Jennifer Lopez (yes THAT Jennifer Lopez), helps us navigate the many changes the Taylors, Jason, and Lyla are going through this episode and also the changes our BODIES are going through as we collectively begin to bear Tim’s children AGAIN. Oof.

We loved this episode: Waverly talking honestly to Smash about her bipolar disorder, the bro hang on the field, and the just-cheesy-enough Tyra and Angela dance crash. 

FACT CHECK: This isn’t the last episode Waverly’s in (thank God). Also Catherine has redacted her statement of being Team Christopher after the actor called one of the insurrectionist a “great Patriot”...

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Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose!


S1E21: Best Laid Plans (with Brock Wilbur)


S1E18: Extended Families (with Melissa Jane Osborne)